Online Reputation Management – The Do’s and Don’ts

Online reputation is very important. Especially todays day and age with technology. Many companies are becoming integrated with technology and especially the background research reputation of the person. Many people are on social media websites and constantly on the internet. What really matters to employers is what people update their status saying. The pictures they upload, or even the friends that they have. When viewing someone else’s profile you can tell what kind of person they are. 


On Twitter, with many celebrities everything that they tweet would be very crucial. There are four main controversial topics that people with a higher status should avoid is Sexuality, Religion, Politics and Race. When talking about Sexuality on twitter now a days, when you believe in on straight forward perspective of how ones sexuality should be, many can back fire with their own opinions. With Religion there are many different religions out there where as people have only grown to know that particular religion. Stating your own opinion on their believes only creates a more so negative controversy. Singling out any race can quickly grow into a “internet sensation”. Politics can create a certain conflict of interest amongst other individuals. Those who feel very strong about a certain politic can instantly create a ongoing opinionative conversation. On a more personal level it is best to avoid discussing your personal life on social media.


With the internet becoming a growing popularity, more and more employers are only going to depend on it for background checks or anything. For example if you are trying to get into law enforcement, the human resource wants to see your name come up some sort of system. If you are doing community service somewhere it shows as something good as a reputable source as to why you should get the job. This new way of doing a background research will show just how much you taking interest in what you truly want to do and not just apply for a job of having a job.


One Eyeland – “Hartono Hosea”

One Eyeland – “Hartono Hosea”

One Eyeland – “Hartono Hosea”



This particular photographer was very easy to find through the website. Hartono has very interesting shots on his website. He comes from a country called Indonesia. He has a very interesting style of taking pictures. Its more so pictures of models than landscape or anything else. He seems to have a more interesting fascination towards women, because his entire profile is all women in different variations, for example one shot is a women underwater while the others model anywhere else. One interesting picture to me was a women wearing a strip of LED lights as a dress. All of his work seems to give off a different feeling towards whatever dress, color or look he is portraying.

Cost – Free to sign-up. Upgrade offer availible from $80.

Setup – Very easy to setup, simular to any other social media site.

Uploading – After creating your account, on the top right hand of the screen you may click upload to share any of your work of your choosing.

Copyright – No Copyright intended. You keep whatever photos you have.

Cross Content – Links only with Facebook currently.

Visibility – Comparably not very popular, but seems to be getting there. Roughly only 44,000 users.

Pros – easy to use. just another social media site that does the same as the ones already popular. Vibrant alluring website. does appear more fun compared to others. Nice Instagram-like way of displaying your photos.


Cons – Does not have a wide audience to view what you’ve shared. Not many people use it. No filters available. 


Interview with Dylan Thomas.

Dylan Thomas


Why did you choose this program?

I chose it because I wanted to improve the videos that I already do.

Where do you see yourself in 5 years?

I will probably still be in school.

What do you want to be when you grow up?

I will never grow up number 1 (lol). Id just like to continue my blog to gain some recognition. 


What are your other interests?


Concept Art, Designing for movies and/video games. Id like to have my own independent movie.


What do you like about this course so far?


Its half and half right now, I really liked the first semester because they gave me the basics of setting up shots and composition.


What do you not like about this course?


The unessesary classes we have to take. If you cant sell yourself, no teacher is going to tell you how to do it. Its about your own skill set. No teacher can tell you how to make yourself or your work appealing.


What other courses have you considered over the past?


Ive taken a look at graphic design, Multi-media, Digital Cinema.


What or who inspired you to do what you do now?


One  of my friends, Sean Hatton, he works for the Toronto star and for a TV show. He gets to cover conventions and stuff. That to me was very, very inspiring.


What are other hobbies that you like?


I like to do product shots of old vintage toys.


What is your favorite movie?


Wow, this is really hard… Im going to have to say Family Man. Nicolas Cage.


Does anyone in you family have any sort of interest with what you do?


My mother and my sister, they work on my blog with me.


What sort of similarities does you and your mother have?


She grew up with pop culture that was sort of re-vamping now. She loves the old stuff that is slowly coming back. Like for example Transformers. She loves that stuff.


What do you like to do on your spare time?


I actually like to go to these little conventions and help promote them. I would show up in full costume. Also take part in most of the activities they would have there. I did one for Fan Expo, I got to go and talk how the blogging industry is starting industry is staring to match the news industry and popular culture.


How long have you been blogging?


I have been blogging for about two years now.


What do you like to blog about?


Basically whatever interests me or whatever would interest other people. I got to talk about the history of Godzilla and the history of where monster movies came from.


What is your favorite monster movie?


Creature from the Black Lagoon. It’s a black and white movie, its from 1954. Its also a repurposed dive suite.


How would you feel if they re-made “Creature from the Black Lagoon”?


As long as they don’t try to turn it into one of these new horror movies, where everything is really over-the-top like for example in the older movies its more realistic.